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The Quarantine 15 and My Journey Back to Health

So, um, yeah…I gained the quarantine 15 over the past year of the COVID pandemic. You probably saw this coming.
My body is not forgiving. I am a highly sensitive person: sensitive brain, sensitive skin, sensitive teeth, sensitive stomach, sensitive feelings. It’s how I’m made. Bipolar and chronic migraines (among other stuff) are how it manifests mentally and physically.
Full disclosure for the imminent weight talk: I believe that all weights and bodies can be healthy and are beautiful.
Nonetheless, we have established that my body in particular is very sensitive. Real talk: I’m 5’2″, and if I go over 110 lb, my cholesterol shoots up over 200 due to heredity. Other labs get out of whack too.
Nonetheless, we have established that my body in particular is very sensitive. Real talk: I’m 5’2″, and if I go over 110 lb, my cholesterol shoots up over 200 due to heredity. Other labs get out of whack too.
If I go above 110 lb, it’s because I am eating way too much sugar, my biggest vice. Too much sugar is obviously bad for overall health, and it’s bad for bipolar as well. Too much sugar can contribute to mania.
Right now I am a full 15 lb over 110 lb. For me to be in optimal health, I need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay below 110 lb. To do that, I’ve started my journey back to health.
Before, I was doing the elliptical 4 or 5 days a week for 40-min sessions, but the scale didn’t budge. That might be because I take Seroquel, an antipsychotic that causes weight gain, or it might be because I couldn’t stop eating Heath Klondikes. I’ll take “both” for 200, Alex.
Over the past year my eating habits were out of control, so I joined Noom, a weight loss app that uses a psychology-based approach. Sounds perfect, right? I paid for a subscription to keep myself accountable rather than simply using their free calorie tracker.
I’m a couple weeks in, and I’m already losing weight and feeling good. I’m well on my way to my goal! Actually I’m still skeptical that I’ll meet my goal, but I’m trying to be positive.
I admit that I HATE logging everything I eat. It’s like wearing a face mask—no one likes it. But recording every Klondike I eat keeps me honest.
If you’d like to join me, CLICK HERE and use code TRY90 for a free trial of Noom and 90% off your subscription (expires 4/23)! Because we all deserve good health.
Any questions about my health journey or Noom? Leave a comment!