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vlog: My Mental Illness vs my Husband’s Physical Illness:
Our Behavior when Symptomatic Is Identical

My husband Bryan is my special guest today. Thank you so much to Bryan for being part of this vlog! Bryan lives with a physical illness, a very rare spinal cord tumor, and I live with a mental illness, bipolar I. Remarkably, our behavior when symptomatic is virtually identical.


We hope that showing this parallel between Bryan’s behavior caused by his physical illness and my behavior resulting from my mental illness helps to reduce the stigma associated with mental Illness.



For more info on intramedullary spinal cord tumors, click here.

For more info on bipolar I, click on About Bipolar in the menu above.


Do you have a question for Bryan or me about our illnesses, how we handle them on our own or together, etc? Leave a comment!