I once went to a bipolar support group where everyone shared their stories. There were about 25 people with bipolar sitting in a circle, and at the end of the meeting, I realized that only a few of us were functioning at a high level, with steady jobs and stable lives. I am definitely one of the lucky ones.
The support I have received from my parents is indescribable, but I will try to do it justice. Their endless support made the life I lead today possible. From that first day at Pitt back in 1999 until today, my parents have helped me learn how to thrive despite having bipolar. They always believed in me. They didn’t try to hold me back out of fear. They let me make my own decisions, even when I decided to move 450 miles away after graduating from college, just a few years after my diagnosis. They allowed me to live life fearlessly, which is a tremendous gift. My gratitude to them knows no bounds. I will forever be in their debt.
My husband Bryan has been another huge support for me. When I told him about having bipolar on our third date, he was unfazed. It is a part of my life that he accepts, along with the rest of me. This quote from the movie Juno describes Bryan perfectly: “The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with.” Bryan always sees the very best in me, no matter what, and it does help get me through the bad days. If I’m experiencing symptoms, he gives me the alone time I need and takes care of our daughter and household until I can step back in and join him. He and my daughter are my biggest motivation to stay well.
Many other people have supported me over the years and still do to this day, especially Rob, Ilona, Sam, Keith, and Jen—you know who you are. Thank you so much for standing by me, making me laugh, and forgiving me when needed.